Hello and welcome to my (somewhat barebones) website. I have tried to keep this site up-to-date, but life has been pretty difficult lately. I'm sure you can relate. My heart is breaking with all the pain and suffering in the Middle East. The rise of antisemitism globally has been shocking and so upsetting. And for someone who suffers from intergenerational trauma, it has been extremely triggering.
Kiss the Red Stairs: The Holocaust, Once Removed is a deep-dive into the Holocaust and intergenerational trauma. As difficult as the subject matter is, readers have told me that it is "good company" (I loved that description) and also: laugh-out-loud funny. (Not always, I should stress.)
When I'm not promoting my book or (gulp) working on another one, I am a columnist for The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper. I have been writing a fair bit about the Middle East and the repercussions of the war since Oct. 7, 2023.
And I'm a mom. I live in Vancouver, BC with my son and our cat.
Kiss the Red Stairs: The Holocaust, Once Removed is a deep-dive into the Holocaust and intergenerational trauma. As difficult as the subject matter is, readers have told me that it is "good company" (I loved that description) and also: laugh-out-loud funny. (Not always, I should stress.)
When I'm not promoting my book or (gulp) working on another one, I am a columnist for The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper. I have been writing a fair bit about the Middle East and the repercussions of the war since Oct. 7, 2023.
And I'm a mom. I live in Vancouver, BC with my son and our cat.
Photo credit: Ben Nelms